Safe Hemp Treats

Hemp is a variety of cannabis without THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is often sought after by human marijuana users for it's psyhoactive effect. It also has the ability to reduce nausea and act as an anti-inflammatory. CBD on the other hand has no psychoactive effects and many users claim it helps with seizures.

The hemp plant is generally produced for fiber use and contains very low levels of THC, so people (& pets) cannot get high by taking hemp treats, hemp protein or hemp oil. They can feel more energised.  The cannabis plant on the other hand has been specifically bred to produce high levels of THC so people can get high.

Cannabis is classified as a drug or medicine, depending on who you're talking to. Hemp is not.

"For animals, we only use hemp for it's fibre, protein and CBD as the active ingredient. THC is actually very toxic for animals. Dogs have a very high amount of receptors in their brain."

Let your furry friend enjoy a HEMP Treat today.
