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Why is Freeze Dried food good for my pets?

WHY RAW FREEZE DRIED V SEMI COOKED AIR DRIED? Honour the ancestoral history and closest thing to fresh meat. For most of human history, animals effortlessly consumed (nose-to-tail) food for strength, health and happiness. In the modern world, we unknowingly struggle to fulfill our nutritional needs in order to support and sustain a vibrant, disease-free life. An abundance of processed, heated and cooked food has changed our diet, we are now part of a world where autoimmune maladies and nutrient insufficiencies run amuck. Whole food, nutrient dense organs can provide great benefit for those seeking targeted support in harmony with nature — the old fashioned way, the way of our palaeolithic ancestors ate and enjoyed natural products..  Raw Grass Fed...

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MY DOG HAS ITCHY SKIN! - Are food allergies to blame?

IS YOUR DOG’S SKIN ITCHY? If your dog has itchy skin or their skin smells then they could have skin problems.  Skin issues range from mild and occasional through to chronic ongoing, constant irritation. None of these should be ignored. There are whole variety of skin conditions that could be affecting your pet such as:   flea allergy   contact allergy   acute moist dermatitis (hot spot)   allergic dermatitis   bacterial skin infection   hay fever Are food allergies to blame? Dogs can suffer food allergies and food sensitivities just like humans. This usually results in being itchy all over, especially after eating certain types of foods containing the offending ingredient. Wheat and corn are common allergens; grains also take a long time to be...

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